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Project Big Sister

Writer: Tony & Kate VandemoreTony & Kate Vandemore

We can't think of a better way to begin our Family Blog than with the arrival of our second daughter, Victoria Hope Vandemore, on April 23, 2018. Vic's grand entry into this world was preceded by months of fervent anticipation, as Vivian was beyond excited to learn that she was going to be a big sister. And in due course, she was sure to give Mom daily reminders...

"Mom, don't forget to go to the hospital today and have Baby Victoria!"

Luckily, Viv's first year of school (and another whirlwind season for Habitat Flats) provided a needed distraction from 9 months of waiting, and the pregnancy flew by. As spring began, Dad also kept the Big Sister In Waiting busy with numerous fishing and farming outings, while Mom made final preparations to ready the family for the baby. And when late April hit, the entire family was more than ready to welcome the new baby!

With a whopping 5 minute delivery, Victoria was ready to meet her family, too! And what a bundle of sweetness she is. Viv was more than ready to get to the hospital to meet her new sister, and she fell in love the first minute she saw her. Among her first goals in her big new role was to make the baby laugh...naturally, we told her it worked! ;) But more than anything, she just wanted to hold and snuggle her sweet Victoria. It's an unimaginable and indescribable feeling to watch your first born love on your second...

Finally, it was time to head home as a family of four. Vivian assured us on the ride home that she was "keeping an eye" on Vic in her carseat. It was a seamless transition with the addition of our newest little girl, and Viv fell right into step with her responsibilities. Running to grab diapers for Mom, reading to her sister, and of course holding her as often as Mom and Dad would allow. And of course, she can be a little over zealous at times...the concepts of "soft, quiet and gentle" don't always click for the bundle of exploding energy that is our Vivian. Sometimes a hug isn't a hug unless you're squeezing all that love out. We're still working on that part!

As we settle into our new family life with Vic now almost 4 months old, it's hard to imagine a life before her - or Vivian as an only child. Her leadership qualities lend themselves so naturally to being a big sister, that it seems she's always been one. Vivian is now entering the stage of childhood where she can begin to truly engage and interact in the outdoors, and we can already imagine how well she'll teach Victoria the ropes when she's older. Our blessings are so many, and they all begin with our Vandemore Girls. The future is an exciting one...and we're excited to share it with you.


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